* The Birkenhead Clinic space has now been closed - I am preparing a new therapy space within y home for regular clients only *
Relax and lay down as Julia gently touches the 32 points on your head.
This body process helps you to release stuck energy and judgements that have been limiting all areas of your life.
Available ONCE A WEEK
Julia will contact you via email to book in your therapy.
If you would like an Access Energetic Facelift, please mention this when booking.
This relaxing body process is similar to access bars therapy.
During this silent therapy, you lay back and relax.
Julia will gently touch points on your upper chest, neck, face and scalp with a light uplift motion to stimulate the Facelift Points to allow your body and mind to begin a release of blocks, limitations and judgements that relate to how you see your body and life.
Repeat this session often and take photos to document any changes to your physical appearance.
You may notice changes in your body, mind or face.
Experience change in your life
Julia was introduced to Access Consciousness at a mind, body & spirit fair in 2022.After having one 20 minute treatment, Julia experienced a profound change allowing her to manifest The Mystical Wellness Studio.Julia then trained to be an Access Bars and Access Energetic Facelift Practitioner.
32 points on your head that relate to all areas of your life.
Access Bars is a gentle treatment using light touch on the head that anyone can use. It is practiced in more than 100 countries by over 500,000 people worldwide who have taken the Access Bars one-day class.
Access Bars is a relaxing and destressing therapy.
It allows your body to release stuck energy, thoughts, considerations and judgements that you hold on an energy level.
This silent therapy allows you to give yourself the gift of peace.
Lay back and relax. Julia will gently touch the 32 points on your scalp.
This will stimulate your body and mind to release anything that has been limiting your life.
The Access Bars Therapy is suitable for Adults and Children.
Those who are neuro-divergent may find access bars therapy calming.
This relaxing therapy can be run daily. There is no limitation.
Access consciousness have a whole tool kit of questions that we can use to open up our mind to a world of possibilities.
This body process is similar to Access Bars but has touch points on the upper chest, neck and face.
The Access Energetic FaceliftTM gives the body a chance to move and transform a lot of the limiting energies and judgments that get locked in our face, head, chest, and body.
Yes, we have partnered with Maureen Wycherley from Joyous Living to be able to deliver this course at our New Ferry Studio.
Access Bars or Access Energetic Facelift is a one day training course.
You will learn the body process. Give and Receive a treatment twice during the day.
Then receive your certificate at the end of the day.
Please contact Julia to learn more about these courses at info@anchorhaven.co.uk
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