Learn at your own pace.
Content available in bite-sized chunks.
Audio and Video files plus soul aligned worksheets and journal prompts.
Monthly 121 with Julia.
Create a soul aligned plan, monitor progress, get oracle guidance and support.
Spiritual Business Support available too.
Bring both sides of your life into balance.
The Ordinary and Extra-Ordinary.
Community Zoom monthly.
New Content Monthly.
Price £22 a month pay as you go.
£220 annual plan (Pay for 10 months access and receive 12).
Bank details for annual plan:
Julia Cornelius trading as anchorhaven
Account number: 58294534 | Sort Code: 04-00-04
Each person is unique and this program is tailored to your needs.
We will meet once a month in-person or online for 30-40 minutes. Session prep is required to maximize our time together. You will receive a worksheet to complete for a monthly review and inspiration session.
Anchorhaven classroom is an online portal with content for you to work through.
Delivered in bite size chunks of 3 - 10 minutes.
The video and audio files are a clear and effective way for you to learn more about your foundational spiritual pathway.
Topics such as :
Monthly group zoom netwroking session for members to meet, discuss and share.
Ask questions and for Julia to speak about messages, themes and energies coming foeward.
Custom worksheets, journal prompts and pages for your book of shadows, book of self.
Custom designed printables.
Custom meditation audio files for the membership
Our program is focused on the Beginners Mind.
We will start fresh and renew our spiritual practices and ceremony.
Advancing at your own pace and creating a soul aligned practice to suit you.
Julia will be your guide, but you are the practitioner and creator of the program.
Listen to your body and heart. Tune into your higher self and create a program unique to you based on these foundational offerings and let us grow together.
Welcome! Check out my Newsletter Posts, Podcast and monthly offers on Substack or Book a service here.